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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys

Experienced Los Angeles Metro Bus Accident Lawyers

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“LACMTA” or “MTA”) was formed in 1993 as the successor to the Southern California Transit District (“RTD”) as the state-charted regional transportation planning agency for the greater Los Angeles area. The MTA operates subways, buses, and light-rail through Los Angeles County, including:

  • Metro Local Buses
  • Metro Express Buses
  • Metro Rapid Buses
  • Metro Rail Service (Subways & Light Rail)
  • Metro Transitway Liner Buses

Hire An Experienced Los Angeles MTA Accident Attorney

While the Los Angeles County MTA has implemented many safety features, there continues to be many Metro accidents each year. Metro Bus Accidents and Metro Rail Accidents are unique from other automobile accidents due to the size and weight of the Metro Buses and Metro Trains. Cars and pedestrians hit by a MTA bus or MTA Train are more likely to suffer serious or even life threatening injuries. Metro Passengers are equally at risk because they may get thrown around the passenger compartment leading to serious injuries.

When a MTA accident occurs, there is almost always an on scene investigation of the Metro accident by the supervisors. However, it is important for the injured bus-riders to promptly hire an attorney to conduct an independent investigation of the Metro collision. People injured in a Metro bus accident need to understand that the investigators and even the police that respond to the Metro train accidents often work for the same government entity that operates the Metro Buses, Trains, and Subway.

Our Experienced Los Angeles MTA Bus Accident Lawyers Understand The Complexities Of A Los Angeles Metro Bus Accident Claim

As common-carriers, the Los Angeles County MTA has a special duty to ensure the safety of Metro passengers. Los Angeles Bus Accidents can be caused by numerous factors, including:

  • Old Buses and Outdated Equipment
  • Metro Bus Driver Negligence
  • Dangerous Roadway Design
  • Dangerous Railway Design
  • Dangerous Platform Design
  • Improper Maintenance
  • Inadequate Metro Operator Training
  • Metro Bus Driver Inattention
  • Inadequate Safety

Because the Los Angeles County MTA is a government entity there are special requirements and procedures that need to be followed in order to bring your claim for injuries against the Los Angeles MTA. As with most claims for injuries against public entities in California, with few exceptions an injury claim against the MTA needs to be brought within six (6) months. The skilled Los Angeles MTA Accident Lawyers at the B&D; Law Group, APLC have successfully litigated claims against the Los Angeles MTA and have a track record of success litigating rail & bus accidents. Our firm has successfully gone up against the Los Angeles MTA in the past and is prepared to aggressively pursue your Los Angeles Metro claim too.

One of the early questions that in a Metro bus accident is determining who the responsible party is. Responsibility for the MTA accident can lay with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, for their bus and train operator’s negligence. Responsibility can also lay with the MTA’s maintenance crews and the vehicle manufacturer’s for improper maintenance and defective product design and manufacturing. Occasionally, the Metro Rapid Buses are operated or maintained by third-parties under contract or other transportation providers, who may also be liable for the Metro Accident.

Our Experienced Los Angeles Metro Bus Accident Attorneys Can Get You The Maximum Compensation For Your Los Angeles MTA Bus Crash Claim

Public Entities, like the Los Angeles County MTA, employ armies of investigators, experts, and other professionals to protect their "bottom line." You need an advocate on your side that is a skilled negotiator, to ensure you get the maximum recovery for your Los Angeles Metro Bus Accident case. An experienced Los Angeles Metro Rail Accident Lawyer at the B&D Law Group, APLC will fight to make sure you are adequately compensated for your Los Angeles Metro Line Accident Injuries.

If you have been involved in a Los Angeles Metro Bus Accident or lost a loved one in a collision involving an MTA Vehicle please contact the skilled Los Angeles MTA Train Accident Lawyers at the B&D Law Group, APLC. Our experienced Los Angeles MTA Claim Attorneys have a wealth of experience helping victims of Los Angele MTA Accidents. Our experienced Los Angeles MTA Claim Attorneys can also help victims of assault, battery, or rape due to inadequate security and inadequate lighting at a Los Angeles MTA Facility.



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